Fushigiboshi no Futagohime   ふしぎ星の☆ふたご姫

Seven royal families reign over each of the seven kingdoms, prospering inside
the planet for many years. Ohisama no Megumi (the sun's blessing) is
beginning to die, and it has been forecast that it will disappear in one year.
If it disappears, all of the planet will be covered in darkness. Twin princesses
Fine and Rein receive a secret mission from Princess Grace to investigate the
reason for the star's decline. Using the power of the Prominence, they hope to
rescue the Ohisama no Megumi. An evil chancellor from the moon kingdom
named Roman steals the Prominence for his own purposes. After he unleashes the ultimate enemy, evil begins to spread.The evil power possesses Prince Bright by Boomo. Under evil power, he attempts to rule the entire Fushigi-boshi. Fine and Rein, along with others, try to investigate and defeat the powers of evil that possessed Bright.

Fushigiboshi no Futagohime Episode 1 Part 1

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